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Heroina X Vidam
‘Today’, It is time for you, the new heroine

’HEROINA’ means Venus for new era and the hourglass symbol of VIDAM shows meaning of empty out and fill again. Reality beauty has combined these two symbols to tell and emphasize the message that we shouldn't be unconcerned about beauty and health even when we have busy lives.
It moisturizes the skin deep and fills the skin with life and nourishment.
Meet LoveForm's products that make your skin younger and more beautiful.

Reality Beauty

VIDAM promises to be a confident and ambitious brand
that puts a lot of effort into leading the Korean market and satisfying every customer.

Reality Beauty

“The birth of Venus for new era”,
Realizes the new value of beauty by Heronia’s unique sensibility and distinction


Do you know how Valuable you are?
Reality Beauty can help you for your more valuable choice.

  • Safety

    Reality beauty puts lots of effort in own research and development
    as well as partnerships with reliable manufacturers with considering about safety above all.

  • Proven Effect

    We will talk about proven effects only.
    We launch only products that have numerous certificates,
    and clinical trial results.
    Reality beauty promises to be a reliable brand for you

  • High Quality

    Good raw materials makes good product.
    Based on the brand’s philosophy, Reality Beauty promises not to spare expenses on quality materials and ingredients.